Wednesday, May 7

Morning, everyone. The dish last night didn't turn out as anything worth naming. I added way too much wine and cream, but on the positive side, the chicken turned out really good, so I might use the same technique in the future.

I had a relapse this morning... had the first Bad Head Morning I've had in weeks. Finally managed to shake it off around 9:00 or so, but I was quite in the grip of it for a while. To make matters worse (which is usually what I do when I have a Bad Head Morning), I went and had 3 glazed donuts for breakfast, so I ended up with a diabetic headache, too. Anyway, I tossed some Advil at it and managed to come around, so I'm good now. Probably just going to skip lunch and hit the hay pretty quick and get a 5-hour nap.

Oh, and I seem to have stopped doing Matrix quotes, too. Oh well. Everyone knows I'm a nut about the movie, anyway. I'm thinking, after my get-together is over next Saturday, maybe those of us who didn't run out and see it on Opening Day Thursday can convoy down to AZ Mills to see it. Just a thought. Later

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