Friday, June 11

Oh, I've been busy...

Let's see. First off, I signed up for Audioblogger. Many's the time I'm driving around town or sitting at the track, and a thought strikes me that I think I'd like to blog about. However, by the time I get home, the moment has passed. Problem solved! They made Audioblogger a free service, so I'm giving it a spin. I call a phone number, enter my info, and record a short message, and within 5 minutes (they claim), it'll be saved to my site as a new post containing an MP3 of my phone message. I think this'll work out to be plenty cool. Look for me to save a message here later as a test.

Next... I totally revamped TFGWeb. I went through and deleted all the dead links off of the erstwhile old page, then I moved it to its own new URL, and in its place I put in a photo album of sorts. I've had all these pictures laying around on my server for a while, and I've been wanting for a while to create some sort of directory, or album, or what-have-you, but at the same time I'd all but given up on completely restoring the old page. So, I just sealed it for posterity and replaced it, basically. Anyhow, go over and give the album a spin, tell me what you think... I'd appreciate it. Link here or over there on the lefthand side of this page.

That's been pretty much it. I'm just glad I got all those pictures organized, finally. That's been one of those things I just keep putting off.

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