Sunday, November 23


Yeah, I know... I AWOL'ed again. This week has been Schooling Week at Apache prior to Apache's opening day the day after Thanksgiving. What with coordinating trying to get 50 dogs qualified out there, I've missed a lot of rest time this week. However, this mild sunburn could wind up a decent tan. (Yah. Right.)

Anyway, Coronado garnered an Excellent with 4 captions (missing out on the Music caption, which I can understand... they did what they could with a small band and mismatched show). I was bursting with pride at the progress of the low brass section. Don't tell 'em, but I had the sniffles while they were playing the big finish to the closer. I reminded them of the time we'd spent in that stinky dorm room at ERAU doing sectionals, and how it'd paid off in the end. I hope they'll have me back next season; I had a lot of fun working with the group.

I'm off to bed. I know, I know... 11:45?? Yeah, I'm clocking out early. For reals. Did I mention that now Blogger allows you to set the timestamp to whatever you want? Huzzah! Now when I finish a post at 12:03 AM, I can stamp it to say "11:46 PM" on the previous night, so it'll go under the date header I'd intended it to. (Go ahead and check the timestamps. If you see anything:46, you'll know I altered it.)

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