They had mentioned on last night's (Wednesday night's, basically) show that Bishop Desmond Tutu had been scheduled to appear next week, but that MSNBC had told Tutu that if he made the appearance on The Daily Show, he wouldn't be allowed to appear on MSNBC's Hardball with Chris Matthews. (For anyone who watches the show with any regularity, you'll know that MSNBC is one of The Daily Show's favorite targets... not that they're not an EASY target, mind you.)
Tonight (Thursday night... by the time you read this, it'll be Friday), Jon Stewart led the show with the news that MSNBC had told the Bishop that it would indeed be okay for him to appear on The Daily Show. Stewart asked if that was any proper way to start a feud, then he said:
"I'd wanted to record the episode of Hardball where Chris Matthews said it was okay, but my Tivo didn't record the program. It wouldn't record it, not because of technical difficulties, but rather it wouldn't record MSNBC due to moral reasons. Yes... my DVR drew a line in the sand."It's great. Two or three times a show, I'll bust out laughing before I can catch myself. If you're not watching it, you're missing a lot of great political and media satire.
I may start posting more often. I know I always claim I'm going to, but this time I'm serious. I may do more posts like the one immediately below (the Chet Anekwe quote) and less of the pouring-out-my-soul novellas. And if you haven't read about the next dinner, see two posts below.
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