Friday, March 5

Well, since a few people told me how snazzy I looked, I finally scanned in the two pictures from August and September of last year. During the great blog drought, I won two trophies. Same drill: manually enter the URL in your browser bar.
The August Stake was the Quarter Mile Challenge, wherein 1/4 mile equals 440 yards. JR's Georgia won it, though around the kennel she's better known as Georgia McPeach-Mee, the Haaaaard-Workin' Li'l Dog. No, we're not sure why either. She's our little kennel midget, and when she's on her game, she breaks like a rocket, which is necessary in the 440, since the box is placed right on the finish line and opens directly into the turn. Right after the break, they have to jack the box up and roll it off the track. (It, like the 770 below, isn't offered on a regular basis.) Anyhow, in the final, Jawwjuh-Peach drew the 8-box (you can just see the stripes peeking out from behind the victory satin that's draped over her tiny frame like a curtain), which is the furthest hole to the outside. She squirted right out and skated around trouble in the turn to win easily.
The September Stake was the Marathon Challenge, over the 770-yard course, the longest distance currently run at Phoenix, and even at that they only run it during the Challenge anyway. So it's kind of a crapshoot, because you don't know how your dog's going to do until you enter them in the stake. Monk Rocks (pictured) only had one career win when I entered him on a hunch, and lo and behold, he snatched up a trophy. His performance in the Challenge was good enough to get him promoted to Wheeling when my dad opened up. They run 770's pretty regularly up there, usually one a day. Monky's doing all right for himself at the best track in the country.

So I'm gonna go back to my place and put those pictures back on the wall (I don't have a scanner at my apartment). In the meantime, I'll give you another photolink to look at:
That's from when I was in Austria with the CHS Jazz Band in the summer of '96. I found that poster when I was moving in to my apartment last April, and I scanned it in along with some ticket stubs and receipts from the trip. Maybe I'll delve into those more in a future post.

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